Contact Us
Please feel free to have your family physician or walk-in clinic doctor fax us a referral. We will take over your prenatal care as early as 10 weeks pregnant or sooner if you have had your first ultrasound showing your beautiful baby and their beautiful heartbeat.
Referring Providers
If you are in a FHO/FHN or other patient enrollment model there is NO NEGATION. To referring providers. Please address referral to Womb To Grow clinic - first available provider as the 3 of us all provide shared prenatal care with one another. We will accept patients as early as 10 weeks or sooner if they have had a scan documenting viability. See our FAQ for provider section for more details
Contact Us
Womb To Grow Prenatal Clinic
Located inside Trafalgar Medical Clinic
Unit 200 - 1235 Trafalgar Road
Oakville Ontario
L6H 3P1